A landing page is the MVP of your company or organization for gathering customer data. You could start offering templates, free ebooks, and whitepapers in a subtle exchange of data if you learn how to do landing page optimization effectively.
Did you know that increasing the number of landing pages from 10 to 15 results in a 55 % in leads?
These types of free activities provide something extra to users while also aiding your business to grow and reach a larger audience. It is a reliable marketing tool that piques visitors’ interest and encourages them to invest in your company.
Whenever a brand or organization plans a marketing activity, such as offering a crash course in learning Spanish or a sham-free eBook to empower their reader base to generate leads, they create an interactive and appealing landing page to accomplish their objectives. High converting landing pages help a brand maximize revenue by effortlessly moving leads to the next level of the sales funnel.
Developing high-converting landing pages requires a well-thought-out strategy, so we’ve compiled a list of best practices to supercharge your landing pages. Let us first understand before delving into the practices.
What are landing pages?
A landing page is any webpage that a customer can land on, but from a marketing standpoint, it is usually referred to as a standalone page, different from your homepage or any other page, that serves a single and focused purpose of advertising or marketing campaign.
For an example: The visitor arrives at a landing page after clicking on a link ad from Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or other similar websites.
Now let’s get into best practices to supercharge your landing pages:
Strong and Clear CTA
CTA (Call-to-Action) is a very useful tool if you know how to use it correctly. Your CTA must be clear and easy to understand for your landing page to begin the conversion process.
Whether it’s a customer filling out a form, downloading an eBook, or any other action, your designs, colours, and copy must all be in line with that CTA.
Ensure that colour and contrast are properly implemented, and that the size of your CTA is neither too large to scare customers away nor too small for them to miss it.
The primary goal of a CTA is to provide a single path to conversion on a landing page so that customers can take the appropriate action.
Suppose you’re running a PPC campaign and someone clicks on the advertisement, landing on your page with a different option. Your visitor is more likely to take a different path if the ads are not displayed, and your PPC manager will be unhappy.
Landing pages are designed for a single goal; if you add more than one goal to it, your website may not function properly, similar to when a person pokes holes in their straw.
As a result, when designing a landing page, keep only one goal and offer in mind. This will result in an increase in conversion rate and make it much easier to convert.
Ensure that your offer is based on the stage of the funnel
Don’t expect people to convert and buy right away if they learned about your brand/business from an article. Customers will not provide their email address, but if you send them an eBook about what they want, they may provide one.
Landing pages are an important component of PPC campaigns. There is no need to be concerned because the person in charge of your PPC campaign will set them up for you.
Although it is still something you should consider during the planning stages of your website optimization. You must decide what type of content is appropriate for people at each stage of the funnel.
Utilize a multi-step form
For lead generation landing pages, a multi-step form is the best practice. It can increase your conversion rate for forms with more than four input fields.
You can divide several fields into many steps by using a multi-step form. When you finish one step, you can move on to the next and finish it. The form can then be submitted.
The multi-step form’s strategy is based on the notion that visitors want to complete something they’ve begun.
The first stage of a multi-step process is simple to complete. Similar to the project management psychology that we have as humans. We don’t want our efforts to be in vain once we begin a task.
Sorting your fields, starting with the less dangerous ones, is the principle behind the high converting multi-step form. Begin with questions such as “how many pets do you have?” and work your way up to more personal information.
In short, the mantra is to start with easy questions and work your way up to more difficult ones.
Write catchy headlines
Headlines are the visible element of a landing page that appear above or before the call-to-action.
If the landing page does not have a long description, the headline is the most important part of the copy.
Catchy or appealing headlines explain in a few words why someone should take action.
The headlines must be clear, concise, and simple in order to entice people to act.
If the user can grasp your message, you can use both short and long headlines.
As far as the design part is concerned you can adjust the size of the letters, colours and fonts. Generally, headlines are easy to read because it’s one sentence and the size of the letter is bigger than the content. If you have a problem with headline readability, try to solve that first. The colour must be appropriate for the page’s design and easy to read.
There are numerous colour combinations between the page and the headline that will produce excellent results.
Make sure that the font and size are similar to the CTA (call-to-action), and even though the headline has the larger size most of the time, but it should not look strange when visiting the page.
Improve the website speed
The speed of a website is vital for every page and marketing campaign on the internet. We all know that website speed optimization is a technical aspect, but a slow landing page can cost you a lot of potential customers. The vast majority of internet users will not wait a few seconds for it to load when thy clicks on a website. Keep in mind that visitors want immediate access to the page. The website that takes the lesser time to load is also the site that is liked by both users and web crawlers.
Finally, we can state that the importance of landing pages is critical in today’s digital marketing era. So, put the above-mentioned practices into action to boost your landing page’s conversion and revenue.