How To Reserve An App Name?

Before starting your app development process, you should think about the name of your app. After coming up with good name, you should try to reserve it on respective platforms like Android play store and iOS app store.

But the million-dollar question is how to reserve the name for your app?

What process should you need to follow?

Let’s go through the process

Reserving app name for Android

The Google Play Store makes it simpler to reserve an app name of your choice. Plenty of options available for you and you can also take the names that have been already taken by others.

Because android allows numerous apps of the same name thus eliminating the need of reserving the app name, but use it anyway. Still we suggest you to avoid plagiarism or cloning instead find a unique name for your brand.

Always keep in mind Google play store permit a name up to 30 characters only. Keep the app’s name as brief as possible. The name won’t be abbreviated when customers view it in the store thanks to this. But first you should reserve a domain name of your app. Enter the name or URL of the social networking sites that are linked to your app after that, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

When selecting a name for your app, keep these considerations in mind. Then, go to get your identification and other credentials validated and submit the app name.

If, for example, the name of your app is “My xyz,” you can alter and fix the remaining issues as follows

  • Domain name:
  • Name of the Facebook page:
  • Other social media platforms also followed the same rule

Reserving a name for iOS apps

Since Apple has tight policies about app name copying and plagiarism, reserving a name for an iOS app can be a little trickier than it is for Android apps.

It only permits and allocate unique app names and hence, you should begin with looking out for the app store and make sure that name you have already been picked has not been already taken. If this occurs, be on the lookout for combinations of relatives and derivatives or choose a new name.

In case you encounter a situation where no app with similar name exist on the apps store. It’s yours to keep, so do it now.

You have 50 characters for the name on the Apple App Store, so use them wisely.

To reserve a name for your iOS app, take the following actions

  • Sign in to your Apple account at Apples connect (
  • Go to “My Apps” and put your new app there.
  • Add the information and adhere to the directions.
  • By selecting “Create,” the procedure of reserving the app name was finished.


This is how you can reserve an app name on both Android and iOS platforms. But if you still facing any problem while reserving an app name then get in touch with Stellar Digital the best mobile app development company in Gurgaon. Our expert team of professionals will solve all your queries and if you are thinking of developing an app for your business then checkout our mobile app development services at