5 Reasons To Avoid Nulled WordPress Themes And Plugins

On your website, do you also utilize nulled WordPress plugins and themes?

If so, then you are undoubtedly trying to save money. However, have you ever questioned why someone would offer a premium plugin for free? What’s the benefit?

You should think twice before using these free WordPress plugins and themes because they could cost you a lot of vital resources for your website.

The use of WordPress plugins and themes that are nulled is discouraged for this reason. Continue reading this article to find out more about what nulled plugins and themes are in reality.

What are Nulled WordPress themes and plugins?

The nulled WordPress themes and plugins are basically counterfeit versions of premium WordPress themes and plugins that have been disseminated online using dubious means.

Since WordPress and any derivative works (such as plugins and themes) are licensed under the GPL, those who are distributing the nulled item claim that it is acceptable to copy and distribute them.

Despite the fact that this frequently comes at a high cost. In addition to costing legitimate WordPress companies money, using nulled WordPress themes and plugins undermines the security and integrity of websites.

Yep, these nulled themes and plugins are frequently to blame for website hacks.

Top reasons to avoid Nulled WordPress Themes and plugins

  • Compromise security

WordPress themes and plugins that have been downloaded illegally pose a security risk. They commonly transport malware.

When your website is hacked, the malicious code spreads throughout various files to disguise itself, making it challenging to find and remove.

The process of a hack could result in the loss of site data.

It also might be possible that your site may get deindexed from search engines for distributing malware.

  • Bad for SEO

It often takes months to build up your authority in search engines, only for one nulled plugin or theme to completely destroy it.

The reason is that dangerous websites can be reached through outbound links that are converted by nulled themes and plugins, which frequently carry spam.

If you link to known malicious websites, you run the risk of having your site completely removed from the index if Google’s site crawlers find these links scattered across your website without your knowledge.

  • No access to updates

Because free WordPress plugins and themes don’t have paid subscriptions, you won’t get the most recent updates or new features.

However, the fact that your program can stop working with modern technology and WordPress itself could lead to more problems. Your clients will have a negative user experience as a result.

It may also complicate errors at times.

  • Legal issues

Premium plugins are protected by copyright laws. Therefore, using that plugin is illegal if the plugin owner doesn’t provide you access or if you don’t purchase a license. Additionally, if your luck runs out, using a WordPress plugin can result in legal action.

You might end up spending much more money than you intended to by using nulled plugins because you are using an illegal item that you do not have the legal right to use.

  • Discourage developers

In addition to damaging your WordPress website, these themes and plugins discourage developers. When a paid product is copied illegally, the creators and maintainers of the plugin have had their money stolen. Usually, plugin and theme developers don’t have the time or resources to make up for lost revenue. Thus, these themes have the potential to drive these creators out of business.

Keep in mind that we lack the resources of huge corporations like Google and Adobe. These guys are regular people.

Some individuals would counter that because software is pirated frequently, what’s the big deal? if these justifications aren’t enough for them.

Keep in mind that developers rely on WordPress users to purchase high-quality items because WordPress is maintained according to open-source principles. The WordPress ecosystem needs developers to be paid for their work in order to expand and get better.


As the old proverb goes, “there are no free lunches,” thus free WordPress themes and plugins might actually cost you a lot of money. You will understand why it is best to stay away from Nulled WordPress Themes and Plugins after reading the reasons listed above.

However, if you still have questions, seeking the help of a web development company that provides WordPress development services is a fantastic choice. Connect with Stellar Digital, the top web design and development company in Delhi NCR, and Gurgaon. We have a great group of skilled developers. Just email us at contact@stellardigital.in